Aura Citra Beauty House Disclaimer

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Aura Citra Beauty House is another medium of information for those interested in knowing the latest developments of health and beauty locally and internationally. Each article featured a story based on true or facts might otherwise stated.. Aura Citra Beauty Houset are paid to promote products here . In fact, our existence only to brighten the world of health and beauty. We only publish news right from the source that we received . Good or bad temperament of the product are never far from making mistakes.

Remember , before you read any of the posts here , you should comply with the conditions:

1 . You need to give a response corresponding to the entry .
2 . Keep a decent words when giving comments .
3 . Any response you give, it is under your responsibility.
4 . Think before commenting .

If you were stuck improper posting comments , please contact us to request your response deleted. Should be noted , our system only controls the less savory words read the ribald or so . The rest of us will never delete your comments as early on we have said , your response is 100 % under your own liability . We also practice the freedom to respond to you with the utmost caution , the response is your own responsibility .

Aura Citra Beauty House welcome any source of comment to be shared with. Please write your coment on the comment box or write to our email address

Pictures and Copyright Issues

We take this issue seriously . Each picture is available on the website will automatically pick up the watermark from us . That's just a sign of that picture in our server . It had to be done to avoid Hotlinking cases that become too rampant . If any of the pictures that are on this website comes from the lens of your camera , we will give full credit to you at the bottom of the post ( will link directly to your blog ) . That if we know whom the ownership of the image. Occasionally, we receive an email the pictures of the artist or stumbled from outside the existing forums are not included credit the photos belongs to you . So we do not know to whom the photo credit should be given . If a picture is 100 % come from the lens of your camera, contact us immediately . We'll give you credit for that matter all over you . But if you ask us to delete photos copyright , we are ready to do so at any time as long as you have proof that is well entrenched , the picture is absolutely yours.

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Catat Ulasan